We are a multi-racial, multi-ethnic group of concerned citizens that includes educators, healthcare professionals, lawyers, longshoremen, businessmen and war veterans.
Every Friday night for the past 188 weeks, we have held anti-war vigils at the corner of 1st and Gaffey Streets in San Pedro.

President Benito Juarez, Mexico's Abraham Lincoln observed: "El respeto a lo ajeno, es la paz." 'Respect for others is peace.'

Adhering to this philosophy, SPNPJ has sponsored World Peace Clubs at San Pedro, Banning, West High, Carson, and Palos Verdes High Schools. We believe that involving our youth is key to promoting racial harmony and, as a result, a peaceful world.

To that end, we conduct a yearly summer peace camp in the Santa Monica Mountains. The week-long curriculum is guided by teachers and community leaders. Included are exercises in tolerance, self-expression, self-esteem, and organizing techniques. It also provides opportunities for student leaders from the different schools to interact in positive and effective ways. Angels Gate Park is the site of the Peace Camp's culmination activity, which includes art, music, poetry, and skits. Families, friends and SPNPJ members attend.

An outgrowth of the interaction among these students was a student publication, "The Activist", which now appears quarterly. It is produced entirely by the students who write articles, columns, and editorial analyses of current issues and supply the artwork. Our local San Pedro newspaper, 'Random Lengths' provides professional expertise and printing.
Among the actions taken by the peace clubs are "tabling" at the SPNPJ booth on 'First Thursdays' and club days at the schools. They also participate in the Friday vigils and peace marches.

To fulfill our educational mission, SPNPJ presents community forums relevant to promoting peace and justice. We've invited speakers and shown films on such subjects as the occupation of Iraq, global warming, peak oil crisis, women's issues, and the electoral process.
Particularly relevant to promoting racial justice, SPNPJ has presented forums on the racial disparities in the imposition of the death penalty. We've explored racial inequities in other societies, particularly in Latin America.

Because of fears that Muslims may be unfairly targeted due to the 'War on Terrorism', we invited the producer of a film about the internment of Japanese Americans during WWII. A presentation by a living witness to life in those camps added a sense of immediacy to the program.

Alicia Molina, an immigration rights attorney spoke on the inequities of American immigration laws. Another forum featured Arlene Inouye of the Campaign Against Militarism in the Schools ("CAMS") who explained how her group counters the aggressive tactics of military recruiters in our minority high schools.

On health issues, SPNPJ has presented doctors and health care workers who spoke about legislative efforts to secure universal health care. Members of our group have protested the closing of King/Drew Medical Center.

We believe that our activities and programs demonstrate our continuing commitment to the elimination of racism and the promotion of racial justice.




Spin the wheel for your future

Watch a video from the SPNPJ 2013 Peace Camp

Placing the crosses of those teenagers who have died in Post 9/11 wars